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MoCa is shorthand for Multimedia over Coax Alliance, a wired internet option that uses existing coaxial cables to connect to your network instead of traditional mesh WiFi. Gamers and streamers, this one's for you.
Most households use Ethernet cables to connect to the internet. Though Ethernet can travel over coaxial cables, it’s common practice (and cheaper) to use twisted pair cables—the thinner cords that clip into your modem and computer—to connect to the local area network (LAN). If you’re using WiFi, your router converts the Ethernet connection into a radio frequency that’s then broadcast to your wireless devices.
A MoCA network uses coaxial cables—like the cords that screw into the back of your TV—to connect your modem to the internet. Since most homes only have one or two Ethernet ports, utilizing the coaxial cables (traditionally used to connect your television to set-top boxes and cable TV in each room) not only gives you more options to connect to wired internet throughout the house, it can also help you speed up your internet connection. And even if you’re a cord-cutter, you likely still have these coaxial cable ports somewhere in your home.
One major advantage to MoCA networks is that they can be connected using the wiring that already exists in your building, so you don’t have to punch holes in the walls and run yards and yards of cables to rewire the whole house. Renters, this option is right up your alley if you want faster, more reliable internet without screwing up your deposit.
Because the wiring already exists in multiple rooms in most homes, installing a MoCA network is relatively intuitive. Just connect your MoCA adapter(s) to power, plug into your cable hook-up, then connect to your devices and you're pretty much good to go. If you’re looking to add multiple access points throughout the house, then you’ll need multiple MoCA network adapters for the job.
In addition to being relatively easy to install, MoCA networks are also more reliable than your standard WiFi. Because coax cables are made with shielded metal wires, they reduce interference from external sources. This makes it a popular WiFi complement for the dead zones in your house, since we all know how easy it is to slow down or block a wireless signal. But when you plug your gaming consoles, smart TVs, and desktop computers directly into the source, there’s no building materials, weather, or user traffic clogging up the airwaves—just a strong and steady stream of blissful, uninterrupted high-speed internet.
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